The challenge to make a better future, Hyundai Minuteness constantly strives for innovation without stopping.
Hyundai Minuteness is willing to discover and think about problems that customers and society may face in the future and provide better solutions via technological innovation. Hyundai Minuteness, a global company that considers people and the natural environment based on outstanding quality and technology, is expanding its influence in the global market with infinite passion and indomitable challenging spirit. We will lead the new future as a strong driving force for enhancing the sustainability of people, technology, society and the environment with clear goals and ongoing management innovations associated with the changing times.

Korea Head Office and Factory
Name of CompanyHyundai Minuteness Co., Ltd.
CEOsOh, Jung-seok & Oh, Chun-kil
LocationBangye-ro 3, Uichang-gu, Changwon-si, Gyeongsangnam-do (Palyong-dong)
Date of EstablishmentApril 1st, 1979
Land Area14,220㎡ (4,300 pyeong)
Building Area10,910㎡ (3,300pyeong)
Main Processesprocessing, assembling, painting
Main productsRicoil Spring, Idler, Steering Machines
Major suppliersVolvo Construction Machinery, Clark and Hyosung Heavy Industries
Number of employees55 (19 office workers / 36 field workers)

Headquarters and factories in China
Company NameShandong Hyundai Minuteness Machinery Limited;
LocationYear of Establishment in Hadong-gu, Linyi-si, Shandong-do
Date of EstablishmentJune 25th, 2017
Main productsRecoil Spring, Idler, Steering Machine
Number of employees50 (office worker: 7 / quality control: 3 / production worker: 40)
Company NameHyundai Minuteness Machinery (Shanghai) Limited Corporation
Location11-dong, Yeonseo-ro, STE 11, Anjeong-jin, Gajeong-gu, Shanghai;
Date of EstablishmentDecember 2nd, 2005
We will make a strong tomorrow by implementing the company's policy considering people and the natural environment based on excellent quality and technology
Quality first policy
We provide high quality products that give trust and impression to customers.
Improving competitiveness
We provide products that customers can be satisfied with by constant technology development.
Social Contribution
We create hope and love for everyone to be happy.
Nature-friendly Management
We implement eco-friendly management for a better future.
Safe Jobs
We provide a safe job environment by introducing environmental industry/environmental design.
Robust corporate culture
A healthy corporate culture that complies with laws and norms.
Word Mark

워드마크는 현대정밀이 지향하고자 하는 기업 이미지를 시각적으로 표현하는 상징물로서 현대정밀 CI 디자인 시스템의 가장 중요한 요소이다.
현대정밀의 경영이념을 독수리로 비유하여 표현한 워드마크 독수리는 끊임없고 끈기와 노력의 강인함을 상징하고 각각의 의미 있는 품질경영(High), 투영경영(Design), 고객감동(Mind)을 뜻함.
워드마크의 기울어짐은 독수리의 비상하는 모습을 속도감 있게 형상화하여 현대정밀의 넓은 국제적인 시각과 생각, 그리고 경쟁력을 표현.
Logo Type

로고타입은 워드마크와 함께 미래의 이미지를 시각적으로 전달하는 가장 효과적이고 기본적인 요소이므로 그 조형적 이미지의 정확한 전달이 특히 유의해야 한다.
본 향에 예시된 것은 가로형으로 워드마크와 기타 다른 디자인 요소와의 조화, 가독성을 고려하여 특별히 제정된 것이다.