
The choices we make today define tomorrow's world. Climate change, population growth and growing urbanization are changing the landscape and expectations for transportation and infrastructure. In any case, we have to protect the climate, the resources of the world, the people. Hyundai Minuteness fully complies with the Paris Agreement. It aims for a carbon-neutral value chain by 2040, and has clearly defined its goals based on science for 2030. Hyundai Minuteness runs business fairly, ethically and transparently. Respect for human rights must be the basis for the success of business. Providers play a pivotal role in the success of missions to drive prosperity via transport and infrastructure solutions, as defined in "scope." Every vendor integrates, shares, and encourages the demands and aspirations of Hyundai Minuteness’ Code of Conduct into the entire value chain.
The purpose of the Code of Conduct (hereinafter referred to as the "Invendor Code of Conduct") of Hyundai Minuteness is to define the minimum sustainability requirements and expectations for all Hyundai Minuteness supply partners in the following areas:
- Modern slavery and forced labor
- Children’s Rights
- Labor Hours and Vacations
- Wages and benefits
- Prohibition of discrimination and fair treatment
- Freedom of association and collective bargaining
- Health, safety and welfare
- Responsible procurement of minerals and materials
- Circular economy and waste management;
- Water management
- Risky materials
- Net zero supply chain
- Energy consumption
Corporate Ethics
- Business integrity
- Fair competition
- Protecting data of personal information
- Security of Information
The Code of Conduct is built on the sustainability aspirations of Hyundai Minuteness.
This includes the Codes of Conduct and policies of Hyundai Minuteness. In addition to the principle of drive sustainability for the automotive industry, it also follows frameworks including the UN Global Compact, the OECD Guidelines for Multinationals, the Implementation of U.N. Companies and Human Rights, the U.N. Bill of Human Rights, the eight basic conventions of the International Labor Organization (ILO), and the U.N. Children's Rights and Corporate Principles. -
The Vendor Code of Conduct is an integral part of the contract between supply chain partners and Hyundai Minuteness. The term "Employee" is used throughout the Supplier Code of Conduct, which refers to anyone who works for or on behalf of supply partners, including full-time and part-time employees, consultants, contractors, trainees, temporary workers, migrant workers, senior management, and board of directors. The Vendor Code of Conduct applies to all supply partners who offer goods and/or services to all constituent entities of Hyundai Minuteness, including the parent company, subsidiaries or affiliates, their employees and agents (hereinafter referred to individually or collectively as "suppliers").
For each area of the vendor's code of conduct, Hyundai Minuteness defined two categories: 'ʻ requirement' and 'ʻ aspiration' in relation to the vendor's sustainability performance and action.- Requirement
Requirement refers to the basic requirements that all vendors must comply with. Violation of the requirements is considered to be a breach of the vendor contract
- Aspiration
Aspiration refers to the activities of each vendor that exceed the basic requirements and further develop the vendor's sustainable performance and influence within the scope of application of this vendor's Code of Conduct.
- Requirement